Book Review: ‘The Burning Girls’ by C.J. Tudor

Hey there, book lovers! Yet another author here whose books are quickly becoming must-reads for me: C.J. Tudor. She writes creepy horror full of unpredictable turns and interweaved timelines that are just *chef's kiss*. If you haven't read any of her books before, I'd definitely start with 'The Drift', which is my absolute favourite (review … Continue reading Book Review: ‘The Burning Girls’ by C.J. Tudor

Book Review: ‘The Only One Left’ by Riley Sager

Hey there, book lovers! Let me tell you something: I am quickly becoming Riley Sager’s biggest fan. I’m currently working my way through his back catalogue and very much looking forward to his next novel ‘Middle of the Night’, which comes out later this month and looks super creepy! Every book I’ve read so far … Continue reading Book Review: ‘The Only One Left’ by Riley Sager

Book Review: ‘The Women’ by Kristin Hannah

Hey there, book lovers! Last week was our fourth – and busiest – BB Book Club! Over the weeks beforehand, we’d all read ‘The Women’ by Kristin Hannah – it was an emotional rollercoaster to say the least. We discussed everything from our varying amount of American history knowledge, to what exactly throws a book … Continue reading Book Review: ‘The Women’ by Kristin Hannah

Book Review: ‘Silence for the Dead’ by Simone St. James

Hey there, book lovers! As per usual, I've been going against the seasonal grain the last few weeks: the sun has finally been shining, so I chose to read a creepy thriller set in the middle of nowhere with ghosts galore! You know me, always a mood reader. When the spooky mood strikes me, there's … Continue reading Book Review: ‘Silence for the Dead’ by Simone St. James

Book Review: ‘My Name Was Eden’ by Eleanor Barker-White

Hey there, book lovers! It's been a little while since I last popped on here with a book review - I apologise! Believe me, it's not due to a lack of reading. I always make sure I'm in bed for at least half an hour of reading everyday, but the last couple of weeks have … Continue reading Book Review: ‘My Name Was Eden’ by Eleanor Barker-White