Book List: Bookish Blonde’s Birthday Blog! ðŸ¥³

Hey there, book lovers! Can you believe it’s been five whole years since I started this blog?! Half a decade, people! But sure enough, 150 blogs later (exactly – what a perfect number for this celebratory blog!) here we are! I started this blog originally – I won’t lie – to get free books! But … Continue reading Book List: Bookish Blonde’s Birthday Blog! ðŸ¥³

Book List: Feel-good books for self-love

Hey there, book lovers! Today, in honour of World Mental Health Day, I've gathered a small selection of books that make me feel good and smile. I'm incredibly lucky not to suffer from any severe mental health issues, but I suffered a serious bereavement in my 20s, and tough times as a result of that. … Continue reading Book List: Feel-good books for self-love

‘The Haunting of Alma Fielding’ by Kate Summerscale

Hello and happy Bank Holiday weekend, readers! I hope you are all finding plenty of reading time this long weekend. And here is a review of a pretty smashing non-fiction treat for you! This is the true story of the haunting of Alma Fielding, told by Kate Summerscale as she rewrites the findings of a … Continue reading ‘The Haunting of Alma Fielding’ by Kate Summerscale

‘In Cold Blood’ by Truman Capote

Happy Sunday, Readers! I have always been intrigued by Capote’s writing given his close relationship with the author of one of my favourite novels, Harper Lee, and I stumbled across this little gem somewhat by accident - incidentally, a novel Lee herself helped him to research. Let me just say: it is incredible. Technically, it … Continue reading ‘In Cold Blood’ by Truman Capote